Guidelines for the Selection of Recipients


Recipients for the Bishop O’Neill Award in Catechetics should be faithful Catholics who deserve recognition for outstanding service.  Normally, to be to be eligible, a catechist should have served a minimum of 3-5 years.

A person can receive the Bishop O’Neill award only once.  Before submitting selections, check parish records as to whether a person has already received the award.  If you are uncertain, please contact Cynthia Sisson at the Faith Formation Office at  or phone at 815-387-3390.

Names of husbands and wives who minister as a team should be submitted together; these couples will be awarded one certificate on which both names will appear.  If husband and wife are each submitted for a different ministry, they will be awarded separately.

  •  Parishes

Number of Recipients:  One to three at the discretion of the DRE/CRE/DYM and pastor, in keeping with the size of the total catechetical staff. Remember to consider catechists, youth ministry volunteers, or student leaders of all ages and backgrounds.

Selected by: Parish DRE/CRE/DYM, in consultation with pastor.

 Criteria: Outstanding service in the catechetical/religious education/youth ministry of the parish on any level; normally, over a period of at least 3-5 years.

  •  Catholic Elementary Schools 

Number of Recipients:   One to three, at the discretion of the principal and pastor, in keeping with the size of the total school faculty.

Selected by: School principal, in consultation with pastor.

Criteria:  Outstanding service in religious education and evangelization both in and outside the academic classroom; normally, over a period of at least 3-5 years.

  • Catholic High Schools

 Number of Recipients: One member of Religious Studies Department.

 Selected by:  Department chairperson, in consultation with principal.

Criteria: Outstanding service in religious education and evangelization both in and outside the academic classroom; normally, over at least a 3-5 year period.


2024 Bishop O’Neill Award –

                                                                      Nominations are now open