DIOCESE OF ROCKFORD – Letter from Diocese regarding Sacramental Preparation during this time



OSV Recorded Webinar – July 9, 2020 

Spanish Catechesis Discussion

A representative from OSV leads a discussion about specific catechetical needs for the Spanish-speaking community.


OSV Recorded Webinar – June 17, 2020 

Preparing for the Unknown: All the Tools You Need to Design a Flexible Religious Education This Fall
2020 has been a year of disruption and uncertainty about the future. As your partner in ministry, OSV is ready to adapt to your changing needs. This webinar, facilitated by Mike Hoyt, your parish catechetical consultant in Illinois, will walk you through OSV’s resources for home-based catechesis, such as our home session plans and e-books, and new resources, like virtual lesson plan templates, modified family gathered sessions, and simple guides for multi-age family discussions. These tools will help you to be flexible in a year in which flexibility will be essential.

RCL Benziger Recorded Webinar – June 24, 2020 

Discussing Three Modes of Ministry
Moving forward, many of us will encounter situations where we will choose between having traditional parish-based programs, virtual home-based programs, or a combination of the two.  Join us in a conversation with a representative from RCL Benziger about these three modes of ministry, and how to best implement them.
Loyola Press Resources for Alternative Models of Formation
As you plan for an uncertain year ahead, Loyola Press is ready to support your faith formation needs with resources for a variety of models of instruction and formation.  We recognize the challenges you face in providing effective, evangelizing catechesis in a digital world.  For distance learning in a virtual classroom, family model, or some combination, we offer resources that maintain the human-to-human contact that is at the heart of evangelizing catechesis.  This webinar will explore how Loyola Press print and digital resources can be used to provide effective catechesis in a variety of learning environments using proven pedagogy while maintaining the relational character that is so needed in forming disciples in today’s world.

Sophia Institute –  The “Spirit of Truth” app is a new resource that combines fun, interactive learning games with the content of “Spirit of Truth: Parish Edition.”   “Spirit of Truth Digital Edition” is a completely digital platform available via app or browser, that will assist a catechist/leader in assigning and tracking assignments, grade and communicate with students/parents, and assist remotely as needed. 

Ignatius Press/MCFD – Information for “Faith and Life” Online.
USCCB – Video Series on the New Directory for Catechesis
Parish Success Group – Parish Success Group is offering three new webinars for your staff related to volunteer recruitment, accompanying young peopel through loneliness and isolation, and five key strategies after quarantine.  Please contact Matt at Parish Success Group to schedule a webinar for you and your staff.  See the flyer for details.
NCCL – Magnify -“Magnify is a series of virtual events over a 4-month span that will introduce participants to the new Directory for Catechesis and explore each of the chapters in depth.  Magnify begins with a 2-day virtual event September 18th and 19th.  Magnify continues with 1-day virtual events in the months of October, November, and December.”  For more information, click here!
V Encuentro – A LARGE database of resources for faith formation, parents, teens, mental health, prayer, and more.  Available in Spanish and English (top right of page for language translation)
NFCYM – Variety of resources for catechetical leaders, parents, and teens.  Resources on virtual ministry and ministering during crisis particularly helpful for catechetical leaders.
STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCES – Variety of spiritual resources, including conference talks, webinars, streamed Masses and rosaries, and more!
SADLIER – Variety of webinars on the topic of religious education and evangelization
LOYOLA PRESS – “Three Minute Retreats” to grow in faith.  Available in both English and Spanish.
DIOCESE OF LITTLE ROCK – Catholic Prayers in Spanish
SAINT MARY’S PRESS – Resources to share with Elementary School children to grow in faith at home.  
SOPHIA INSTITUTE – Lessons based on the Sunday readings
RCL BENZIGER – Free access to online curriculum (note: need to contact sales rep for access)

50 Creative Ideas for Parishes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (available in Español, too!) – The Diocese of Orange has shared a list of creative ideas that could be applied to your ministries, or might spark new ideas of your own!

YDisciple Free Month Offer – NET Ministries is making the YDisciple Basic Leader Training and “The Invitation” study free for one month. Visit netusa.org/specialoffer to access this free gift.

Ave Maria Press Professional Development Webinars – Ave Maria Press offers a series of free, profession development workshops for parish ministry leaders! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

LifeTeen Base Camp – Base Camp is a live online show about messes, mountains, and ministry for youth ministers, core members, priests, and anyone else that is working in the vineyard of youth ministry. Each episode features practical insights from ministry workers and Life Teen staff that will help your youth ministry impact more teenagers and connect you with other passionate youth workers from around the world.

PROJECT YM LIVE – FREE online Youth Night from ProjectYM.  This is a weekly broadcast for teens to participate in, featuring well-known speakers and musicians in the Catholic world, plus interactive screen games and live chat.  Teens may participate as part of their youth group or with their parents.
STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCES – Online access to a variety of spiritual resources including conference talks, webinars, streamed prayer, and more.
SAINT MARY’S PRESS – Resources to share with Middle and High School teens to grow in faith at home.

THE PASTORAL CENTER – Guide for pastoral leaders that talks about how to respond to the unique situation of ministering to families while at home.  Includes activity ideas and ways to minister to parents.

PASTORAL CENTER – How to lead VBS, even in a year with COVID-19!
LOYOLA PRESS – May is Mary’s Month! These are resources to teach children about Mary.